Top 3 benefits of acupressure


5,000 years of research and development

What happens when a centuries-old practice from India meets modern materials?

Shakti acupressure.

What people are saying

We let our reviews speak for themselves.

4.82 average
39,592 reviews

This thing made me question my entire life

I basically died, went to heaven and came back. I don't recommend being in the same room as someone who is trying to make you laugh while you’re on the mat, it just hurts even more.

Verified Buyer

Excellent customer service

They were great quality arrived quickly and the customer service I received was second to none. Highly recommended company to deal with

Verified Buyer

Stress relief god-send!

The quality cannot be compared to other brands. I’ve had a go on generic and competitors and none are as sharp or as well made as the original shakti.

Verified Buyer

Back to bliss...

First, I thought 'why the hell am I putting myself through this agony?' It felt like my skin was being removed by some torturous means. But I persevered, and soon - I was loving it. My back is so much less stiff and I've even fallen asleep on it!

Verified Buyer

This has changed my life!

I actually sleep now! My mental health has improved and sleepless nights, gone. I feel relaxed and in control. I don't even go on weekends away without it, no!

Verified Buyer

Spiky bliss!

Don’t be put off if your first try is a little uncomfortable, the more you use it the better it feels. Top tip: lights down, audiobook or podcast, set a timer on your phone so you can zone out, soft blanket over the top of you... and there you go, a recipe for Shakti heaven!

Verified Buyer

Awesome wellbeing tool

Thank you to the Team in India responsible for these beautifully crafted wellbeing tools. It not only helps us but helps them. It's a collective positive movement to incredible change and wellbeing outcomes.

Verified Buyer

The melting mat

Acupressure is a complex system that can link discomfort in certain points to places in the body. For me this sense of awareness has allowed me to tune in with both healthy and non-healthy habits, and has allowed me to melt into my stress and scoop it away.

Verified Buyer

Finally completed the set!

Got given a beginners mat as a gift and now have all three levels which I switch between depending how I feel on the day.

Verified customer

Surrender to relaxation

My shakti mat feels like a real treat. It encourages me to use my breath to move through any discomfort caused by tension I'm holding... It’s like a direct reminder to relax - because as soon as I do, incredible warmth and sensation spreads throughout my body!

Verified Buyer

Acupressure faqs

3 THINGS TO LOOK FOR in any acupressure product

1. Sharp spikes
2. Quality materials
3. The power of choice

1. Sharp spikes

Sharp spikes are the secret to deep, effective acupressure. Anything else and you’ll struggle to get to the point. Good thing ours are the sharpest, and they’ll continue to serve you for years to come.

2. Quality Materials

Acupressure has stood the test of time, and so should your tools.

Our spikes won’t bend or break, our foam is made from tree sap, our soft (yet sturdy) cotton will always be organic, and everything we offer comes with a 5-year warranty.

3. The power to choose

Acupressure is personal, and having three intensities recognises your tension is unlike anyone else's. Imagine a shoe store with only one type of sneaker!


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5 Year warranty


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